To commemorate the death of Lord Byron on 19th April 1824, we will be hosting a dinner at the House of Lords.

Ticket Price: £95.00
Dinner and drinks from 7pm. (Ticket includes wine and 3 course meal).
Ticket registration: here.
We will hold the dinner from 7pm-10pm, in the Peers Dining Room, and will include a talk from Andrew Roberts.
The dinner will be preceded by a short ceremony in Westminster Abbey in which a wreath will be laid at Lord Byron’s memorial stone in Poets’ Corner. The ceremony will take place at 6.00pm, immediately following the 5.00pm service of Choral Evensong.

Andrew Roberts has written twenty books which have been translated into twenty-eight languages and have won thirteen literary prizes. These include Salisbury: Victorian Titan, Masters and Commanders, The Storm of War: A New History of the Second World War, Napoleon: A Life, Churchill: Walking with Destiny, George III: The Life and Reign of Britain’s Most Misunderstood Monarch and most recently Conflict: The Evolution of Warfare 1945 to Ukraine, which he co-authored with General David Petraeus. Lord Roberts is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Literature and the Royal Historical Society, the Roger & Martha Mertz Visiting Research Fellow at the Hoover Institution at Stanford, and a visiting professor at the Department of War Studies at King’s College, London.