Ticket Price: £7.00
Wine reception 6.30 pm
Lecture and discussion at 7.00 pm
Dinner from 8.00 pm
Ticket registration: here.
Enquiries: contact@thebyronsociety.com
Jane Austen and Lord Byron are often presented as opposites. In Regency England he was the first celebrity author while she was a country parson’s daughter writing anonymously. But Christine Kenyon Jones’s new book brings them within touching distance: exploring how their lives, interests, work and sense of humour often linked them in the Regency and Romantic world which shaped them. In her talk, Dr Kenyon Jones will discuss aspects of her book, describing how she has used some little-known sources and new research to illustrate Austen’s and Byron’s family connections; to show how they knew about each other even though they probably never met; to introduce the acquaintances they had in common and to describe how their literary work often came close in subject-matter, approach, technique and tone.
Art Workers Guild
6 Queen Square
London WC1N 3AT
See Map
Drinks 6.30-7.00
Lecture 7.00-8.00pm
There will be a dinner for those who wish to join, details will be confirmed closer to the time.