Welcome to the Byron Society

Join our mission to restore and relocate the London Byron Statue!

Welcome to the Byron Society

Based in London, but hosting events around the UK and abroad, the Byron Society brings together all those interested in the famous Romantic poet Lord Byron, whose controversial works and astonishing life have entranced readers for more than 200 years.

Established in the nineteenth century the Society was re-founded in London in 1971 to promote a wider and deeper knowledge of Byron’s life, works and circle. We offer you the chance to discover more about Byron, and to share your interest through talks, lectures, poetry readings, book launches, dinners, trips and other events.

We are a non-profit organisation and a registered charity (Charity No: 1197293).


If you are interested in Lord Byron’s poetry and letters, his life and times, his relevance to today and the Romantic Movement in general, then our Society is the one for you.

✓ Talks, lectures, concerts, book launches, poetry readings.

✓ The opportunity to attend or participate in conferences.

✓ Two copies a year of the Byron Journal.

2025 newstead abbey byron conference

25-26 April, Newstead Abbey (Nottinghamshire)

This year’s conference is titled Aftermaths and Afterlives: Byron in 1825 and Beyond, and the event will encourage papers exploring every aspect of Byron’s life, his poems, and his contemporary and current reception across the globe.

PhD Bursary Award

The Byron Society invites applications for a PhD bursary of up to £5,000 per year. PhD on any aspect of the life, work and /or influence of the poet Lord Byron.

Upcoming Event