The Byron Journal was founded in 1973. It is published twice annually for the Byron Society by Liverpool University Press.

This internationally renowned journal includes scholarly articles and notes on all aspects of Byron’s writings and life, and those of his peers.

The Byron Journal not only provides a forum for leading authorities to discuss all things Byronic but also contains news of significant events and conferences, together with book reviews.

We always welcome letters and reviews of any works relating to Lord Byron, so please get in touch if you would like to make a submission or a suggestion.

  • Members of the Byron Society receive the two annual issues of the Journal for free.
  • All volumes of the Journal are available in both printed and electronic format, and members have access to the complete online archive.
  • For Institutional subscriptions, please  visit the Liverpool University Press website, here.


Editor: Mirka Horova (Charles University)

Editorial Board:
Bernard Beatty (Liverpool & St Andrews)
Richard Deakin 
Dr Peter Francev (Reviews Editor) 
Clare Hooper (Liverpool University Press)
Dr Mirka Horova (Editor)
Dr Christine Kenyon Jones (King’s College London)
Dr Emily Paterson-Morgan (Director)
Dr Alan Rawes (Manchester)
Kenneth Robbie (Chairman)
Dr Jonathon Shears (Keele)
Dr Joanna Taylor (Manchester)

Advisory Editors:
Professor Sir J. Drummond Bone (Arts and Humanities Research Council)
Dr Stephen Cheeke (Bristol)
Professor Caroline Franklin (Swansea)
Professor Peter Graham (Emeritus, Virginia Tech)
Dr Gavin Hopps (St Andrews)
Dr Anthony Howe (Birmingham City)
Professor Tom Mole (Durham)
Professor Jane Stabler (St Andrews)
Professor Andrew Stauffer (University of Virginia)

The archive of The Byron Journal (1973 – current issue) can be reviewed online via the Liverpool University Press Website. The table of contents can be viewed by anyone but you will need to be a member of the Society or an individual or institutional subscriber to view the full text of articles. Visit website.