This April, to mark the bicentenary of Lord Byron’s death, we are delighted to partner with Bromley House Library in Nottingham to organise a poetry and coffee morning. The event will take place before the start of the 2024 Newstead Abbey Byron Conference, and is open to Conference delegates and the general public.
This lovely event will include a tour of the library, and a chance to see some of its eighteenth-century collections (especially Byron-related ones), followed by a selection of poetry readings by noted Byronists.
- Dr Sam Hirst will do a series of readings from Byron’s poems related to Newstead Abbey
- Dr Omar Miranda and Dr Madeleine Callaghan will perform a reading from Sardanapalus
The event will run from 9.45am to 11.15am.
After the coffee & poetry morning, conference delegates will be able to take the minibus to Newstead Abbey in time for the conference lunch.