Byron & Translation roundtable

Start Date & Time 26/02/2025 5:30 pm

Location Online

Speakers Maria Schoina and Alex Grammatikos (and other contributors)


Time: 5:30-6:30pm GMT

Registration: HERE


In this online roundtable discussion the editors of Byron and Translation (Maria Schoina and Alex Grammatikos) will briefly introduce the aims of the book and invite the contributors (Diego Saglia, John Havard, Catherine Addison, Karen Caines, Filiz Turhan, and Anahit Bekaryan) to speak about their own chapters. The discussion will focus on the following questions: why was a book on Byron and translation important? How does translation influence Byron’s conception and writing of poetry? What causes do his translations serve? How does knowledge of Byron’s translation activity help us understand his oeuvre, as well as Romantic thought and writing?