Friday 25th
11.30 Bus to Newstead from Hotel
12-12.15 Welcome and housekeeping
12.15-1.00 Lunch
1.00-2.30 Panel 1: Byron’s continuing transformation
Siôn-Iestyn Pope Lord Byron lives on through TikToks
Jed Wentz Reviving Byron’s Manfred for Gens Y and Z
Sarah Hyde Byron and Morrison
2.30-3.00 Coffee
3.00-4.45 Panel 2: Byron’s presence in other cultures
Dominik Łaciak A New Voice for Byron: The First Polish Translation of Cain
Alexander Williams Byron’s importance as a mediating figure between Gambino and Romanticism
Omar F Miranda Byron’s Hollywood Celebrity
Elisa Cozzi Byron, Ireland, and a new MS of ‘The Irish Avatar’ in the Holland House papers.
4.45-5.30 Travel to Portland Lodge
5.45-6.45 Drinks
6.45-7.45 Keynote – Will Bowers: Byron’s (Lyric) Legacy
8.00-10.00 Dinner
Saturday 26th April
9.30 Bus to Newstead from Hotel
10-11.30 Panel 3: New readings and new interpretations
Rubina Valli “In thy heart I know myself secure” – Lord Byron and Augusta Leigh.
Jake Phipps ‘So long and fair and beautiful’ Lord Byron and Lucrezia Borgia
Emily Paterson-Morgan Don Juan, ‘a moral tale, though gay’
11.30-12 Coffee
12.00-1.30 Panel 4: Thoughts on Posthumous reputations
Matthew Ward ‘Byron’s Living Hand and the Posthumous Life of Poets’
Tony Howe ‘The Posthumous Feel of Byron’s Late Poetry’
Maria Gemma Silva Ferrandez ‘Mad, bad, and dangerous to know’ Re-Imagining Byron from Lady Caroline Lamb’s Glenarvon to 21st century Fanfiction.
1.30-2.30 Lunch
2.30-4.00 Panel 5: Building Byron’s reputation
Marsha Manns The People’s Byron: Ten Unrecorded Portraits of Byron by the Staffordshire Potters
Christine Kenyon-Jones Byron’s posthumous visual life
Marc Gotthard ‘Between common-place and cliché’
4.00-5.00 Tour of Newstead or the Garden